Open Hearth Lodge Blog

Up At The Lodge
Open Hearth Lodge

Get Ready for the Season

The shimmering water, the lush green color, the sailboats, it’s almost summer in Door County. We’re ready for your stay – and there is still room!

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Up At The Lodge
Open Hearth Lodge

Earth Day in Door County

Since 1970, our country has dedicated a spring day to reflect upon the beauty of the earth and recommit to protecting our natural resources. In

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Up At The Lodge
Open Hearth Lodge

Spring Forward

Despite the current week’s forecast of actual seasonally-appropriate temperatures, a mild winter has put us in an early spring mindset. This month, we’re talking about

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Door County Waves and Sunset
Up At The Lodge
Open Hearth Lodge

Not A Typical Winter

This is a winter for getting out and keeping busy. With temps creeping up above freezing most days (and even some nights), it’s not your

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Up At The Lodge
Open Hearth Lodge

A Very Happy Holiday

Without a blanket of snow, the light of the holiday season is keeping us warm in Door County this year. The craziness of the holiday

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Up At The Lodge
Open Hearth Lodge

A Moment of Gratitude

As a multi-generational family business, Open Hearth Lodge has always taken great pride in the work we do to make our Lodge a home away

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Planning for a Door County holiday getaway
Up At The Lodge
Open Hearth Lodge

(Early) Holiday Fun Guide

We’ll admit that it feels really early to be talking about the holiday season already, but for the planners among us, now is the time!

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Fall at Cave Point in Door County
Up At The Lodge
Open Hearth Lodge

Plan for Colors

As the season changes, temperatures drop and days get shorter. Trees get less direct sunlight, and the chlorophyll in the leaves breaks down. The lack

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Kayakers in Door County
Up At The Lodge
Open Hearth Lodge

Late-Summer Reflection

Late summer has arrived, and we’re not complaining that it brought with it some higher-than-average temperatures. A slightly-extended summer season is always welcome in Door

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