The shimmering water, the lush green color, the sailboats, it’s almost summer in Door County. We’re ready for your stay – and there is still room! This month, we’re focusing on some of the unique opportunities Door County presents for your summer stay. Farmer’s markets abound, beautiful lighthouses dot our peninsula, and surprising ways to improve yourself during your vacation are here. These items just scratch the surface of what Door County offers, so read on and don’t for get to book your stay now!

Shop at a Farmers Market (Almost) Every Day!
Door County farmer’s markets offer not only fresh, locally grown produce, but also unique crafts, gifts, and other items you can’t find anywhere else. With options all over the county six days a week, you can enjoy a relaxing outdoor shopping experience almost every day of your visit. Get all the details here:
Farmers markets in Door County: Here’s your guide to fresh produce, plants, crafts, more

“Vacation with a Purpose”
Tucked away in the woods on the Lake side of Door County is Björklunden, a 441-acre satellite campus of Lawrence University. Billed as “a sanctuary of peace and contemplation”, Björklunden’s centerpiece is the gorgeous Boynton Chapel, a small wooden chapel built in a late 12th-century Norwegian stave church style. A tour of Boynton Chapel is highly recommended, but you can take your visit to the next level by signing up for one of the summer Seminars at Björklunden and put a purpose to your vacation this year.
Coming Up At Björklunden

Visit Our Lighthouses
With 300 miles of shoreline, Door County is imbued with rich maritime history. Our lighthouses serve as monuments to Door County’s place as a major navigational hub for shipping routes in Lake Michigan and beyond. The annual Lighthouse Festivals celebrate these structures and allow you to get a closer look.
Door Peninsula Lighthouse Festivals

One More Thing: Scotties
This past weekend, flanked by bagpipes, drums, and adoring fans, the Scotties marched in Baileys Harbor. Visit the Scottie Rally Facebook page for video and photos.
Door County Scottie Rally on Facebook